For Mobile Operators and Payment Providers

Set up Your Mobile Payment Platform

Are you a mobile operator looking to start onboarding DCB Merchants? Are you worried about the complexities of the business, such as user acquisition, security, compliance, and landing pages? Then, Mobibox is the answer! Our turn-key platform, MobiBox, is designed to help operators achieve their goals with ease. From improved revenue to streamlined business models and enhanced customer reach, our comprehensive solution has it all.

Mobibox Features



Start Your Mobile DCB Service with Ease

Operators who want to start their mobile DCB business from scratch can rely on MobiBox's SDP platform. Our platform offers easy subscription and management, allowing operators to streamline their revenue and offer mobile DCB services to their customers with zero investment costs.


Safe & Secure Landing Pages

Prevent LP manipulation violations with MobiBox's user-friendly landing page theme builder. The builder is customized for advertisers with limited manipulation capabilities, ensuring they can create safe and secure landing pages that comply with regulations.


AI-Based Marketing Compliance Tool

Ensure marketing compliance with MobiBox's predefined compliance tool. which uses AI-based marketing intelligence to detect non-compliant banners. This tool provides an automatic halt for marketing activities that do not adhere to rules and regulations.


Marketing Compliance Control

Operators can monitor their advertisers' marketing efforts on social media by consolidating all marketing activities in one platform. By ensuring clients are using Google accounts, operators can keep their advertisers compliant and capitalize on future partnerships.


Secure Hosting

Ensure that your website is hosted safely and securely. This secure hosting solution protects your website from fraudulent activities and cyberattacks, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on you core business.

Perks & Benefits

  • Maximize your revenue potential, and expand your customer base with MobiBox's application-based subscription
  • Ensure secure transactions and compliance with two-step payment flow and fraud prevention measures
  • Create a seamless user experience with a coherent framework and customizable landing pages
  • Design a high-performing landing page with a template builder system
  • Tailor your subscription platform to your unique business needs with customization options
  • Streamline Your Business with Our All-in-One Solution: Monetizing, Hosting, Payment Management, Advertising, and Real-Time Insights.

    Products & Pricing

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